Sew an upcycled lunch bag
Today's project is an upcycling project. I’m going to show you how to sew lunch bags out of old jeans.

I sewed two different versions: one with a jeans pocket on top and a push button (as a plus the edge can be turned upside down and the whole thing can then be used as a mini picnic bag for cutlery etc.) and one with a normal button. This tutorial shows you how to create the second version, but you can of course still sew a jeans pocket on it and replace the normal button with a push button if you want to make the other version.

I’ve used denim as the material is easy to wash and lasts a long time. But also because denim is one of the most pesticide and water guzzling fabrics on the planet, it’s important to get as much use out of it as possible. You could upcycle any old material you want to, however it’s best to choose something sturdy and washable like denim or corduroy. This will mean your bag will last for longer, and it’ll provide more protection to softer foods you place in it!
What you’ll need

For this project you’ll need a sewing machine, plus:
- A Sewing Machine
- A denim, or heavier weight needle
- Thread suitable to be used with denim – choose a bright colour if you want the seams to ‘pop’
- 2 x pieces of denim, for a larger lunch bag they should be about 24 x 36 cm*
- 2 pieces of coated cotton/oilcloth of the same size**
- A small piece of denim (about 2 x 8 cm)
- A button
- A hand sewing needle with thread
- A pair of scissors
- Pins
*If you want to sew a smaller/larger lunch bag, make sure that you adjust all pieces of fabric accordingly.
**You can recognize oilcloth by the fact that it is coated/glossy on one side and that the ‘bare’ cotton fabric can be seen on the other side. If you don't want to use oilcloth, you can use ‘normal’ cotton as lining, but doing so makes the lunch bag no longer suitable for putting things like sandwiches in unwrapped, because you can't wipe off food and spills anymore.

How to
Place the two pieces of denim right side to right side. Cut two squares (around 5cm in size) from either side of one of the shorter sides (see images below). Repeat with the lining.

The bag is then sewn around at the top opening (there should only be one!). Make sure to leave a gap of 10 cm, though! Through this gap, the bag will be turned inside out later.

First, fold the long edges to the middle and then over again, so that no open edges are visible. Secure with pins or hold firmly by hand and sew along the entire length. Put to one side.

I hope you liked my upcycling jeans project! Wil you make yourself one? Or a set for your family?
I can’t wait to see what you make! Remember to tag in Brother on Instagram and Facebook, and myself too!