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  5. Accessory of the Month: Narrow Zipper Foot
Colourful zippers with Brother narrow zipper foot 

How to use the Brother narrow zipper foot

With the Brother narrow zipper foot you can sew close to your zipper teeth, sew straight top stitching and make piping. The narrow zipper foot has a coating that lets it glide smoothly over oilcloth, vinyl covered fabrics and leather. 

Accessory snapshot 

Narrow Zipper Foot _jpg

Brother Narrow Zipper Foot

Step 1

Clip the zipper foot onto the shank of your machine. Thread the machine and bobbin normally. 
Brother narrow zipper foot on blue fabric

Step 2 

Select the straight stitch with the needle placed to the left.

Tip: if your machine can adjust the needle position, you can use any of the straight stitch options. Just adjust the position of the needle to be on the left or the right of the foot. Slowly turn the flywheel by hand to test that the needle will not hit the foot when sewing. 

Step 3 

Position your project, lower the foot and sew away! 
Three uses for Brother narrow zipper foot – leather, piping and zipper sewing.
We can’t wait to see what you make! Remember to tag in Brother on Instagram and Facebook so we can share your makes and inspire others.

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