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  5. Naughty cat cutting pattern
Cartoon cat and knocked down Christmas tree appliqué and vinyl

Naughty cat!

Head into the festive season with this fun naughty cat heat transfer vinyl design. 

Don’t be seen in the same Christmas jumper as everyone else, use this pattern to make your own. This is a great way to breathe life into clothing you already have, instead of buying more fast fashion items. 
Love embroidery? We’ve also created this matching appliqué pattern. Which one will you use? Or will you make both?  
Cartoon cat and knocked down Christmas tree appliqué and vinyl

Materials needed 

  • Shirt, sweater, hoodie – preferably cotton or fibre that can withstand heat
  • A selection of heat transfer vinyl (HTV) in red, black, gold, brown, blue, pink, white, green – for more creative fun, add glitter and flock vinyl into the mix!
  • Baking paper or silicone pressing sheet  

Equipment needed 


Download cutting patterns here


How to

Step 1

Download the cutting patterns and transfer to your cutting machine. Remember to switch on the Half-Cut option before you start cutting. 
Note: the layers have been saved as separate cutting files to make it easy to use, however, if you want a different size, please use the CanvasWorkspace file to adjust the size, and then export to your machine accordingly. Remember to resize all the layers together otherwise the pieces will no longer fit.

Step 2

Adhere your HTV sheet to the cutting mat, shiny side down. Select the relevant parts for each colour and cut. 
Tip: use the background scanning function on your ScanNCut to place the different pieces on the correct coloured HTV so you can cut all at the same time.

Step 3

Remove from the cutting mat. Use the hook tool and weed all the parts necessary.

Step 4

Use the image below as reference for the sequence of fusing. Layers are mostly grouped as the same colours and in sequence of layering. Use the colour image (below) for reference. 
Place the cut vinyl piece onto the fabric, with the coloured side facing the fabric. Check your manufacturer’s instructions for heat and press settings. 
Cover fully with baking paper or a silicone sheet, and gently press onto fabric. Fuse well. Remove the transfer foil when cooled down a bit. 
Note: always cover all the already fused vinyl pieces with the baking paper or silicone sheet so you do not accidently heat damage it. 
Tip: you do not need to press hard, let the heat of the iron or press do the work. After you’ve removed the transfer foil, cover with your baking paper or silicone sheet and press again to ensure all pieces are fused properly.

Cartoon cat and knocked down Christmas tree with layer numbers

Step 5

Repeat the process, following the image above to see how to layer all pieces. 
Tip: try not to overlap the transfer foil over already fused vinyl parts as it sometimes can cause a crease when fusing. Try and trim the transfer sheet so it does not overlap already fused pieces and use minimum pressure.

Step 6

Put on your festive shirt and get ready to party (or get comfy on the couch with a hot cocoa!). 

We can’t wait to see what you make! Remember to tag in Brother on Instagram and Facebook so we can share your makes and inspire others.

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