At Brother we’re always ‘at your side’ and will be with you every step of your creative journey.
On Brother Solutions Center you will find:
Depending on the model of your machine, you will be able to cut paper, fabric and other materials up to 3mm. Please note these specifications depend on which materials you are going to cut, as well as the ScanNCut model.
For all CM-models:
0.8 mm with STD cut blade
1.5 mm with deep-cut blade
For all SDX-models:
3.0 mm with Auto Blade
1.5 mm with Thin Fabric Auto Blade
1.0 mm with Rotary Auto Blade
Paper is one of the many wonderful surfaces that ScanNCut is great for cutting.
Because of the background scan and Direct Cut function, the ScanNCut machine takes cutting paper to a whole new world of possibilities. When attempting to cut paper the best way to start is by analyzing your paper and seeing what depth you may need to cut as well as performing a test cut.
We recommend always starting with a smaller blade depth and working your way up. Your standard machine setting should work fine, but you can adjust as needed.
If your paper is thin, start with your Standard Blade at a setting of 1-2.
If you are using cardstock or heavier patterned paper, you may want to start with a blade depth of 4.
For glittered cardstock you may want to start with a blade depth of 6. For specialty papers you will want to measure your blade to your paper and see what depth will work and not be too deep.
To become comfortable with paper cutting and other materials you may work with on your ScanNCut, we recommend starting a cut journal to keep track of what settings work best for you and your machine. Your mat will also depend on what type of material you are using. Check out the FAQ “What mat should I use for what?” to find the exact answer for your cutting needs.
Start by starching and ironing your fabric. Next, apply a fabric support sheet to your standard mat. Take your fabric and gently lay it across your mat within the grid area. Once placed correctly, take the backside of your spatula handle and run it across your fabric to press the fabric securely to your mat as well as to smooth out any air pockets.
Before cutting your fabric, always perform a test cut to ensure that your fabric and blade depth work together. Start with a smaller blade depth and work your way up to what you need in order to avoid cutting too deep and through your mat. Once your fabric is secure and at your desired blade depth, cut your design. If the blade is still not working, experiment with Cut Pressure and Cut Speed in the Tools menu.
No. We do not recommend that you wash fabrics attached together with the contact sheet.
The ScanNCut machine was created to give crafters the creative freedom of being untethered from a computer and the expense of cartridges. Your designs can easily be scanned in — and saved or cut directly from — your surface.
For those crafters that enjoy using cutting machine software and like the versatility of SVG files, visit our cloud-based file website, CanvasWorkspace, to create an account and get started for free. Or download the PC version of CanvasWorkspace.