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  5. Acrylic weekly planner
ScanNCut acrylic weekly wipe clean planner on table

Acrylic weekly planner

Keeping track of everything yourself and your family have to do each week do can be hard!

Especially if this information is spread across various phones, diaries and scraps of paper.

But this is where this wipe clean, ScanNCut acrylic weekly plan comes in. It’s easy for all family members to see and use, especially when the plan is hung in a busy part of the house, like the kitchen. 

Best of all, it’s wipe clean, so entries can be changed or removed quickly.

Read on and I’ll show you how to make an acrylic planner like this with your Brother ScanNCut - it's not that hard!

Materials needed

  • 25 x 50cm sheet of transparent acrylic, 3mm thick
  • 25 x 50cm dark blue vinyl (or a colour of your choice that will contrast with the wall colour you will be placing it against) – I used permanent craft vinyl
  • 27 x 52cm transfer film


Equipment needed


Download all cutting files here


How to

General notes

  • Have a look at the How-to video (above) and follow below steps for more explanation.
  • Always do a test cut before you start to make sure the settings are correct, and check that you can easily remove the vinyl pieces.
  • Since we are cutting vinyl, remember to set cutting settings on Half Cut  

Step 1

Attach the vinyl to the cutting mat, coloured side facing up. Since the vinyl has a paper backing, I recommend a Brother ScanNCut low tack mat, or a slightly used standard tack mat  that is not as sticky anymore.

Step 2

The cutting files for this project have been created to go at the back of a clear acrylic sheet, so the design is already mirrored (back to front). If you’re using a non-transparent acrylic sheet for this project and want the vinyl to be on the front, remember to mirror the design using your ScanNCut’s built-in screen.

Step 3

Set your cutting setting on Half Cut. As there are many fine details on this design, the cutting time will be approximately 30 minutes.

Step 4

Carefully remove the cut design from the ScanNCut mat.

Step 5

Using the hook, start weeding the design. I recommend that you first weed the fine elements and then move onto the large part at the end. 

Tip: keep cutting/removing weeded waste vinyl to make the weeding easier and to ensure it doesn’t get accidently get stuck over the main design. Otherwise, you might have to start cutting the whole thing again from scratch!


hands cutting weeded vinyl from ScanNCut weekly planner

Step 6

Detach about 3-4cm (on the short side) of the transfer film from the backing paper, fold the paper over and place the detached film over the short end of the completely weeded vinyl.

Gradually pull away the backing paper off the transfer film and stick the rest of the transfer film over the vinyl. Using a squeegee, credit card or a short ruler, smooth the transfer film over the vinyl, making sure there are no bubbles or creases.

Cut away any excess transfer film, keeping everything as close as possible to the edges of the vinyl pattern.

hands placing clear transfer film over ScanNCut blue vinyl

Step 7

Remove the protective film from one side of the acrylic sheet.  Mark the centre of the long side with a non-permanent marker.

Carefully fold the vinyl and transfer film in half along the long sides to find the middle, then mark these points with the non-permanent marker.

Position the transfer film on the acrylic sheet so that it is centred – the centre markings on the film and off the sheet must line up. 

Step 8

Attach the film and vinyl to the centre of the acrylic sheet with washi tape and correct the vertical height if necessary, so that the vinyl grid is centred and true.

Place washi tape on the left top side of the transfer vinyl only, so you can start removing the transfer backing from the right side.

Tip: if you’re left-handed, you can swap left and right as to what works more easily for you. 

Step 9

Working from the right side, carefully separate the vinyl and transfer film from the vinyl paper backing and cut away a piece of the paper. 

Gradually separate more vinyl and cut away more paper until you’re almost at the marked centre point of the design/sheet. 

Hold the corners of the exposed film with your hands, pull taut and stick it to the acrylic sheet and smooth out the film (using ruler, squeegee, etc).
removing backing paper from vinyl transfer film

Step 10

Remove the washi tape and proceed in the same way as on the left side, stretch and stick the vinyl and smooth out at the end.  

Step 11

Finally, remove the transfer film from the vinyl. Pull gently sideways, and not up, so you don’t damage or pull off the vinyl you’ve just stuck down!
removing blue transfer film from acrylic weekly planner

Step 12

Now turn the acrylic sheet over and remove any remaining protective film from the front of the acrylic. 

Your weekly planner is now ready to use! Since the vinyl is attached to the back of the acrylic sheet, you can easily wipe the front of the sheet with a cloth and reuse it over and over again.

Now you can quickly write down your appointments, menu plans, shopping lists and all other important reminders. I’ve also added a fun glass decal, so you can document your daily water intake and keep up with healthy levels of hydration ;)

ScanNCut weekly acrylic planner resting against wall

Some alternative options:

You can also hang the planner. Drill holes in the corners of the acrylic sheet (ideally before you attach the vinyl). It is best to place the acrylic sheet on a piece of wood before you drill so it does not crack. Attach a piece of cord and hang it up, or attach it directly to the wall with screws.

If you decide to attach the film to the front of the acrylic sheet and not the back, remember to mirror the design before cutting it, and choose a permanent adhesive vinyl so that the small filigree details are not accidently wiped off when you clean the sheet.

I wish you a lot of fun cutting, crafting and of course planning!

I can’t wait to see what you make! Remember to tag in Brother on Instagram and Facebook, and myself too!

Brother blogger missredfox in ScanNCut studio with weekly planner

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