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Pink and gold ScanNCut papercraft drawer advent calendar

Drawer advent calendar

Celebrate the countdown to Christmas with a truly unique papercraft advent calendar from John Bloodworth,The Gentleman Crafter!

Each drawer can be packed with bespoke gifts, to suit the taste of each person you give this to (even if that person is yourself!).

Made of sturdy card and patterned paper cut with your ScanNCut, not only can you match this to your style and taste, you can also use it year after year ensuring Christmas is not only special, but also sustainable. 


Materials needed

  • Fifteen sheets of 12 x 12” 85lb/200gsm cardstock 
  • Two sheets of 12 x 12” 65lb/180gsm patterned paper 
  • One piece of 6 x 6” craft vinyl 
  • Bookbinding glue or low moisture or quick tack glue 
  • A small piece of transfer tape to move the vinyl numbering 
  • Ribbon for the closure 


Equipment needed

ScanNCut hardware 


ScanNCut software 

General tools

  • Weeding tools for vinyl
  • Bone folder


Download cutting files here


How to

Step 1

Download the CanvasWorkspace project file. Open it in CanvasWorkspace (the desktop version). Open the layers tab on the right.

Step 2

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled CASE-1. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” cardstock.

Step 3

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled CASE-2. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” cardstock. 

Step 4

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled CASE-3. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” cardstock. 

Step 5

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled DRAWERS-1. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut two sets. This will require two sheets of 12 x 12” cardstock. 


Step 6

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled DRAWERS-2. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut five sets. This will require five sheets of 12 x 12” cardstock. 

Step 7

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled H-DIV-1. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” cardstock.  

Step 8

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled H-DIV-2. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” cardstock. 

Step 9

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled H-DIV-3. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut two sets. This will require two sheets of 12 x 12” cardstock. 


Step 10

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled V-DIV-1. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” cardstock. 


Step 11

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled V-DIV-2. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” cardstock. 

Step 12 

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled DOOR. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut two sets. This will require two sheets of 12 x 12” cardstock. 

Step 13

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled PANELS-1. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” patterned paper. 

Step 14

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled PANELS-2. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one sheet of 12 x 12” patterned paper. 

Step 15

Hide and lock all layers except the one titled NUMERALS. Transfer this to your machine using the File>Export/Transfer FCM File menu option and cut one set. This will require one piece of 6 x 6” self-adhesive craft vinyl.  

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to set to half cut on SDX models or adjust depth and pressure on CM models so that you don’t cut all the way through the carrier sheet. 

Step 16

Assemble as shown in the video. 

If you make this, remember to tag in Brother on Instagram and Facebook, and myself on Facebook (and give us all a follow too)!

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