Sweet dreams this Christmas

Christmas gift giving doesn’t have to be expensive.

I think that giving gifts that are bespoke or relate to a person’s current needs are the most thoughtful.

As life is busy, the greatest gift you can give us the gift of relaxation. While I can’t help my friends with finding more time in the day, I can give them something that will help them make best of the leisure time they have. This is why I love sewing eye masks for my friends and family (and myself), so they can grab a break in luxurious comfort. They’re also quick to sew, so that I make the most of my own relaxation time too! 

The sweet dreams eye mask

Materials needed

  • Fabric (cotton, silk, or flannel) 0.5m
  • Fabric for inner (something soft and luxurious) 
  • Elastic (1/4 inch or 3/8 inch wide) 
  • Sewing pins 
  • Sewing machine 
  • Scissors 
  • Measuring tape or ruler 
  • Iron and ironing board 
  • Optional: sewing notions (such as embroidery thread, lace, or decorative buttons)


Step 1: measuring and cutting the fabric

  • Begin by drawing a rectangle on the fabric using a ruler, ensuring the width matches your head measurement and the length is twice the height you desire for the mask.
  • Also note you need to include an additional 1cm for seam allowance. I used W 22cm x H 20cm.
  • Shape to a rounded ‘eye mask’ shape if you wish as I have in the diagram, I suggest folding in half and drawing one half for symmetry.
  • Cut out the shape using fabric scissors, so you have two pieces of identical fabric (whether a simple rectangle or traditional eye mask shape).

Step 2: cutting the second piece

Use your eye mask template to cut a second piece of fabric for your eye mask lining. I have used a satin silk for mine, but you could use any soft, luxurious fabric that you like. 

Tip: before you sew the two sides of the eye mask together you can hand embroider the outer fabric to add a personal touch.

Step 3: measuring the elastic

Measure and cut a piece of elastic that is approximately the same length as the width of your fabric rectangle. Set the elastic aside for now. 

Step 4: sewing the main body of the mask

  • Fold the fabric rectangle in half lengthwise, right sides facing each other, and align the edges. If you have rounded the mask, put the two pieces together right sides together and sew along the edge. 
  • Pin the long edges together (top and bottom), leaving the short ends (sides) open. 
  • Sew along the pinned edges using a 0.5cm seam allowance, removing the pins as you go. 
  • Backstitch at the beginning and end of your sewing to secure the stitches. 
  • Trim any excess fabric from the ends.

Step 5: creating a channel

  • Cut one long piece of fabric to cover the elastic. I used 50cm x 5cm. 
  • Fold this piece in half with right sides together, pin and stitch 1cm from the edge to create a channel that you will thread your elastic through.  
  • Cut away excess fabric from the seam and turn this channel the right side out.

Step 6: inserting the elastic 

  • Attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic, making it easier to thread through the channel. 
  • Insert the pinned elastic into the channel, guiding it through the entire length until it comes out the other side. 
  • Remove the safety pin and adjust the elastic to fit comfortably around your head. 
  • Stitch the ends of the elastic to the channel to make them secure.

Step 7: inserting the elastic 

  • Thread your channel through the two openings on your eye mask (one of each side of the mask), so that they are sandwiched in the middle between the two fabric layers.  
  • Stitch one end closed with several stitches backwards and forwards to reinforce at each end. 
  • Turn the entire mask the correct way around through the remaining open side.  
  • Fold the seam allowance of the opening inward, and push the other side of your channel through this opening. Then topstitch this opening closed.

Step 8: finishing touches (optional)

At this stage, you can embellish your eye mask if desired by adding decorative buttons, lace trim, or embroidery. Use your creativity to personalise the mask to your liking. 

Congratulations! You’ve successfully sewn a luxurious eye mask! Whether you end up choosing to keep it for yourself, or do share with a good friend, please tag me on my Instagram and also Brother on Instagram and Facebook so we can admire your makes! Happy Sewing :)

If you’re looking for other sustainable Christmas presents, why not check out my makeup bag and personalised decorations projects?

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