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  5. Big hair scrunchie with overlocked edge
Colourful, large hair scrunchies sewn on Brother sewing machine and overlocker.

Big hair scrunchie with overlocked edge

What to do with your left-over fabric scraps? Make some cute hair wear of course! 

Brother Sewing ambassadors Lea and Noëlle from BOMB show us how to turn scraps into scrunchies with your Brother sewing and overlocker machines. 

Materials needed 

  • Fabric: a piece of fabric sized 20 x 90cm will make one scrunchie. Since you’re making a hair accessory, it's nice to go for a flowy, lightweight fabric.  
  • Sewing thread in matching colour 
  • Overlocker thread in a contrast colour, or decorative overlocker thread 
  • Elastic (1cm wide): 20cm 

Equipment needed 

  • Fabric scissors 
  • Sewing machine 
  • Overlocker 
  • Safety pin or a bodkin 
Brother A50 sewing machine and overlocker with pink tartan fabric

How to

Step 1

Press the fabric and then cut two fabric strips, each 10 x 90cm.

Step 2

Lay the two strips on top of each other with the right sides facing outward. Pin along the centre.  

Step 3

On one side of the doubled-up strip, draw a line 3.5cm from the long edge with a fabric marker. Repeat along the opposite edge. You will sew along these lines in Step 5 to create a tunnel.

Step 4

Grab your overlocker and find a crazy colour or decorative thread to finish the edges! Overlock along the two long sides.  

Strips of pink and green tartan fabric with overlocked edges

Step 5

Create a tunnel by sewing two straight lines on the marks you drew in Step 3. Use a straight stitch and stitch length of 2.5 on your sewing machine.  

Step 6

Attach a safety pin or bodkin to one end of the elastic. Thread the elastic into the tunnel and push it through until the end is just visible at the beginning of the tunnel. Secure the end of the elastic to the fabric strip with a small back and forward stitch.  
Push the bodkin through the tunnel until the elastic emerges on the other side of the tunnel and the whole strip of fabric is gathered. Secure the other end of the elastic with a few stitches too.  
Pink and green tartan fabric gathered up with elastic to make big hair scrunchies

Step 7

Finish the short edges of the fabric strip with the overlock machine and thread the long chain ends into the overlocking stitches.    

Step 8

Almost done! Pin the short edges on top of each other and sew with a straight stitch on the sewing machine through all the layers. Make sure to catch the elastic in your seam! Your scrunchie is ready to shine in your hair!  
Finishing off a big hair scrunchie on Brother sewing and overlocking machines.
We’d love to see what you upcycle. Why not tag us into your upcycling projects on Instagram. Make sure you tag Brother on Instagram and Facebook too.

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